How to Master a Language Using Duolingo

And yes, Duolingo does work

Mel Schlesinger
7 min readFeb 24, 2023
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I began studying Spanish in 2018. At first, I purchased a variety of courses on Udemy. Then, when my wife and I made our trip to Merida in 2019, I knew just enough Spanish to be dangerous. In fact. On the first day in Merida, I got us completely and utterly lost when I tried to get directions in Spanish.

By the time we visited Queretaro for two weeks in February 2020, my Spanish had improved a little. But while in Queretaro we met a wonderful couple from Minnesota. The wife had been using Duolingo for about the same amount of time as I was using the Udemy courses. But she was much further along and shared some tips for using Duolingo.

We just returned from Mazatlán, Mexico and my Spanish competency has really grown. In fact, a young Mexican American woman whom I talk to regularly was amazed by how much my Spanish had advanced.

I credit Duolingo combined with time spent in Mexico for my language growth. But along the way, I have met a lot of people who tried Duolingo and made no progress at all. Even many expats living in Mexico. But there is a very good reason why so many people fail at learning a language with Duolingo. And it has nothing to do with the program.

The Top Two Reasons Why People Fail With Duolingo



Mel Schlesinger

Sort of retired. I am obsessed with happiness. As I write the last chapter of the story of my life, I want to share ideas on being happy.